
A NEW Video- How To Create Whimsical Animals

Here's a little video snip-it of DREAMERS WILL SAVE THE WORLD... one of the paintings I demonstrate from start to finish in my online course HOW TO CREATE WHIMSICAL ANIMALS.

For this painting, I played with all sorts of my favorite art supplies: water-soluble oil pastels, vintage postcards, book pages, and acrylic paints. 

Whimsical animals are some of my go-to characters whenever I'm feeling stuck. 

I hope you enjoy this video!

Prints available here

Happy Painting!



If you'd like to paint together, find details on my online courses here.


  1. Love the video and music too! Always love you! Hugs, Sanna

  2. Thanks for sharing..beautiful xo

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Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette