
My Texas Vacation & Filling the Well

"Every child is an artist.  The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up." –Pablo Picasso


I was lucky enough to spend a few extra days vacationing before the Lucky Star retreat.

I felt like a princess, spending my days lounging by the pool and reading on the balcony with hillside views.

I seriously filled the well. And now I am trying to find more ways to take time for this in my every day.

Because I can't even say how much this little vacation filled me up. It made my creativity bubble up and over. It made me remember the importance of taking down time to allow space for new ideas, spontaneity and serendipity. And it reminded me of the happiness I feel when I am creative. 

I started journaling with doodles and writing picture book stories. I got lost in the woods. I saw a jack rabbit, deer and another fox!

Here are a few Texas vacation photos...I hope they bring you a little of the happiness and peace they bring me.


ps. My newest class SERENDIPITY just started. If you're interested in painting lots of different characters the entire year, find details and register here.


  1. Great photos looks like your holiday was filled with sunny days and lots of wondering around that's a pretty good way to spend your time.

  2. Looks like you had a relaxing vacation. Love the photos, the last one of the sky is gorgeous. Aren't the colors stunning?

    Have a great day!

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Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette