
A NEW Whimsical Owl Painting - GENTLE

GENTLE. 6x6" on aquaboard. Original available here.
Prints available in my shop.

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." -Robert Frost


This owl came out of a moment of frustration with all of the other paintings I'd been working on. 

I reached a point where I'd pushed myself so far out of my comfort zone, that I just needed to paint something I knew I would like. So I painted an owl.

GENTLE. 6x6" on aquaboard. Original available here.
Prints available in my shop.

I had all of these little squares of aqua board that I'd dripped with watercolors and inks. So all of the fun and play was already infused into them... the perfect surface to keep playing and paint an owl.

I added lots of fingerprints and layers with my favorite blue and white acrylics, leaving just a bit of the yellow and green to show through.

I called this owl GENTLE as painting it was a reminder to be gentle and kind to myself. To take all of the care and concern I so often turn outward, giving to others, and to give it straight to my own heart.



ps. My newest class SERENDIPITY just started. If you're interested in painting lots of different characters the entire year, find details and register here.


Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette