
Summertime & A New Website

I've been busy working with my lovely husband Brian of Humanity on my new website. Get a sneak peek here.

I've settled on a color palette, my artwork is all set in a beautiful gallery and Brian created this lovely border for some of the photos. 

It's so amazing to see it all coming together and I can't wait to share it all with you soon! 

While we put on the finishing touches, I thought I'd share a few snapshots from some of our every days reading, making smoothies, enjoying bonfires in the backyard, going out for brunch and listening to music...

What have you been up to this summer?

Wherever you are in the world, I wish you much joy and inspiration!

ps. My next online course SERENDIPITY - A Year In Mixed Media opens for registration this Friday!

We'll be painting all sorts of characters and trying out lots of new art supplies throughout the year.

pps. Currently I'm loving tropical smoothies. This recipe is positively beachy:

1 cup almond milk
1/2 frozen banana
1/2 cup of frozen mango (add more to get a consistency you like)
splash of coconut milk

Blend, pour and enjoy!


  1. Fantastic website, Juliette! You and Brian came up with a great collaboration. The simplicity of the design doesn't take away from your artwork. And it's great that you posted links to your social media and shop accounts. Makes it easier for people to get in contact with you that way.

  2. Your art, Juliette, is truly commendable. Like what you’ve mentioned on your site, you don’t cover up. A true artist should be proud of his work. Your paintings are peculiar with the randomness of materials and colors, but that makes them all the more interesting. You’ve got a really smart way of presenting them, by the way. The site layout is simple and straightforward, leaving all the necessary attention to your works. Thumbs up! Marta@Canyon Marketing


Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette