
Serendipity Registration Opens Tomorrow!

I'm so excited for this new year-long painting class to begin! Thank you for all of your support and kindness.

To celebrate, I'm opening registration for SERENDIPITY - A Year In Mixed Media with a very special EARLY, EARLY BIRD SALE. 

Registration Opens at 6AM EST TOMORROW (August 16, 2013). I cannot wait to share all I learn about painting for the entire next year!

In the meantime, here is a new BIG owl painting I've finished...

DREAMS IN COLOR. Contact me to purchase the original.

This piece is one of the latest 2.5 foot square canvases I've been painting.

It's been so fun to bring all of my art supplies out onto the patio and paint BIG.

I call this owl DREAMS IN COLOR... it's a bit of a nod to all of the hope, beauty and peace that lies waiting for you, right around the corner.

See you tomorrow when registration opens for SERENDIPITY- A Year In Mixed Media!



ps . Sign up for my newsletter for a little reminder when SERENDIPITY registration opens and to get in on the EARLY, EARLY BIRD SALE.


  1. Love the big Owl painting, I have never painted on anything bigger than 11 x 12, will have to try it. I am anxiously awaiting registration for the year long class, my credit card is warmed up and ready!!!

    1. thanks, donna! i'll be including some BIG painting in serendipity :)

  2. This is beautiful, Juliette! I'm guessing "painting big" may be an element in your class?

    1. yes, lynda... i will be including painting BIG :) i can't resist!


Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette