
transformation-from start to finish

TITLE: Transform. Prints available in my etsy shop.

this is sort of a funky painting for me. i've been experimenting with my old oil pastels and lots of texture in my backgrounds. and new characters seem to be coming out of it all. 

but of course, this ghostie of a girl didn't start out that way...

of course, she started out as an owl. and i was still into using my reds and deep blues like i mentioned with this WITH YOU I AM WARM owl painting.

but i wanted some new color.

and then i was trying to define those owl eyes like glasses.

and then i knew i didn't like all of that fuss around the head. so i filled it in with dark green and gave the body a bit of an update...making it look more human. i was in love with those lime green floatie things on the side though, so i decided to make them even bolder.

and here i wanted my character to be softer. so i got out my book of owls and the snowy white owl seemed to capture the mood i was going for. then since i've been so inspired to play with asymmetrical backgrounds, i went ahead and painted in the blue.

then the more human face came to me. i was really trying for an owl here, but this girl spoke to me. so i added in some origami paper as her dress and defined her even more.

i thought, "oh wait! she is an owl. she should have wings!"

but when i stepped away for a bit, i realized the only part of her that meant something to me was her face. and so i redefined her body and made her into a real girl (more than an owl anyways). here, i really enjoyed her calm inquisitive-ness. it's like something is waiting for her over there on that other side.

i went with that curiosity and mirrored the origami paper in her belly with some more within the green floaters. then i wanted to connect those two sides and added that white shooting star streak. to me, she's very other-worldly. and if you look closely, you'll see in the bottom right corner the word TRANSFORM. which seems quite appropriate given her TRANSFORMATION. 

wherever she is going, i know she'll get there. and it's going to be good!


  1. Fantastique, j'adore les étapes par étapes où l'on voit l'évolution, les changements...
    Il y a beaucoup de poésie dans ton univers, j'aime beaucoup. Je me suis inscrite chez toi, pour mieux revenir !
    Belle créativité !

  2. Very COOL!is very interesting to see how the process of creation and metamorphosis that is making the little character ... I'm delighted.

  3. I just love the way paintings transform themselves--we start out going one direction and if we listen, the painting tells us where to go next--sometimes in ways we never thought of. Love this painting!

  4. Thank you for sharing. So awesome to be able to see the various creative stages. Love her!

  5. Very interesting process! She's an owl at heart. Magnificent.

  6. a complete tranformation every step of the way wasn't she, ha ha..this little girl must be exhausted:D....love t Juliette and again thanks for sharing your process. Do you find that oil pastel works well on canvas? cause I never got the hang of it and much prefer it on wood panels instead of canvas.

  7. I loved how you showed this transformation! Many wonderful layers, just like life!!

  8. These are gorgeous, as usual. Thanks so much for posting pictures as you worked! I adore getting to see the stages of working on a painting, and the transformations here are just so incredible!

  9. love seeing your process, girl! i can't seem to get myself back in the studio to make a mess...don't know why, but i just can't bear it...and i can't bear not to, either! perhaps you will inspire me to do so today!!! :)jan

  10. i'm finding the oil pastels do work well for me on canvas, mandy. and that's with a good coat of either spray paint or acrylics underneath.

    you make me long to paint on wood panels again too. i used to love using oil paints on wood or pieces of slate i'd find out behind the art building in college :)

  11. She is lovely Juliette! And it was so great to see her progress!

  12. You should call these works 'journey paintings'.

    Thanks for sharing your journey. I love the final piece. One of your in progress shots caught my eye, though. Third from the end, with the wings on both sides? You have a little girl angel. Perhaps a girl-owl angel. I really like the effect of the wings in that shot. Maybe something you could explore further.

    Lovely work, as always.

    (still in my pyjamas)

  13. I love seeing these transition posts. I love how she started and owl and then became a lady. She is so pretty. She looks like a peasant girl.

  14. nutty, i really loved those girl owl angel wings. they're something i would like to do in another piece. there was something about those wings that seemed as if she'd take flight :)

  15. I love when a metamorphism occurs! Thanks for sharing her transformation. I love her look of longing or .... It is a quite lovely piece!
    Happy November to you. ~Theresa

  16. Interesting to see your process! Love the texture.

  17. Great to see this process! I'm totally in love with your paintings! They are so beautiful and warm and cute!

  18. it's so perfect that you shared the process w/ms. transformation...& how when it happens within us, we can't always recognize how it will take shape..but so beautiful to remember to trust that it will be beautiful...as SHE IS! xoxox

  19. Your owls are awesome and soo gorgeous! Your process is sooo interesting and very inspiring. Thanks so much for sharing. Love to you!

  20. What a wonderful step by step and the end result it spectacular. I love all your little paintings and was impressed how you let yourself walk away and not force the end result. Beautiful work :)

  21. This was so very fun. I love her!

    and I found you from Shona Cole, and I just adore your owls!

  22. Wow,What a wonderful amazing artwork,your owl just beautiful,the procress and the transformation is very interesting and georgus, Bravo!!!I Love your work,wonderful!!

    LG Jeannette


Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette

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