
NEW Painting - An Amazing Journey

An Amazing Journey. Original (SOLD).
Prints available in my shop.
This is the November project for my online course SERENDIPITY - A Year In Mixed Media.

SERENDIPITY is all about overcoming creative blocks and strengthening your own unique style, so with every project I try and push my paintings in new directions and share just what inspired each piece. 

So An Amazing Journey came about after I'd been inspired by my friend and artist Efi Kokkinaki

by Efi Kokkinaki

by Efi Kokkinaki

I just love the dreaminess in Efi's work. But when I tried to let her imagery inspire my paintings, I froze. 

I had been trying so hard to repeat Efi's beautiful four-legged creatures in my own way, that I lost the beauty I felt while looking at her work. So I gave up. I set my expectations aside and decided to let go of any idea of what I wanted to paint. 

I grabbed a background I wasn't liking and decided to cover it up. 

I was looking for something new and remembered an image Efi had shared with me of one of her fluid backgrounds. So I repeated the motion I saw in her background. From there, I started having fun again.

I found a way to incorporate something from her work into my own. I let go of trying to push my artwork in a new direction and allowed what was inside of me to be set out into my own painting. 

And immediately I saw a horse running in the paint. 

An Amazing Journey. Original (SOLD).
Prints available in my shop.

I titled this piece An Amazing Journey as a reminder to keep letting go, allowing new inspirations and revelations to lead me just where I need to be. 

Happy painting!


ps. If you're interested in seeing An Amazing Journey in progress and painting lots of different characters together for the entire year, find details on SERENDIPITY-A Year In Mixed Media and register here.


  1. This beautiful painting is framed above my bed reminding me that my life is an amazing journey. I love it.

    1. It makes me so happy to know this piece is cherished and that you have it! Thank you so, so much! xo

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thanks for sharing. The paintings look amazing

  4. Very beautiful paintings. Thanks for sharing!

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Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette