
10 Things I Love & Our Wedding Anniversary

I thought I'd share a few of the things I love most today as it's our 8 year wedding anniversary. 

And we're celebrating with a little bit of all of these things today (well, maybe not the plane ride)....


chocolate peanut butter cup ice cream,

sketching robots and monsters (these were done with my super talented nephews),

chasing butterflies in the garden,

sipping hibiscus tea and taking naps in the grass,


hiking through the prairie,

watching the sun set (photo by my brother josh crane),

perfect picnic spots,

and painting outside.


I can hardly believe it's been 8 years since this day we were married in the woods of Door County... 

Where 100 of our friends and family climbed down a gigantic stone staircase to celebrate our ceremony overlooking the lake.

Then joined us for dinner and dancing at a little restaurant we love.

I must say, one of the most fun things about keeping up a blog is looking back on everything, especially the celebrations...

Like the anniversary year I flew a plane,

and we spent a glamorous getaway in milwaukee at our favorite hotel, the iron horse.

And remembering our wedding and how we "met" story. 

We really always were, meant to be.



  1. Je vous souhaite un très joyeux anniversaire de mariage... ♥ ♥ ♥

  2. GREAT POST! Congrats!
    LOVE the sunset, Too!

  3. Happy Anniversary to you both, you look very happy and this post brought tears to my eyes (happy ones)! It is so good to be happily married.

  4. Happy Anniversary! All those things look like great things to do on your anniversary. Especially yummy brunch!

  5. Sounds like a perfect wedding.

  6. thank you so much!!! we had such a lovely celebration this year... will share more photos soon :)

  7. Happy Anniversary!! You look very happy together :))

  8. Happy Anniversary. You both look so loving!


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