
A New BIG Mixed Media Painting

CREATIVE DREAMING. Contact me to purchase the original.

Painting these BIG pieces is a completely different experience for me.

At first, I always feel like I need to know exactly what I am going to paint. If you're a regular reader of this blog you know that is not how I paint. 

I like to let my characters come to me out of the canvas. 

Whenever I force it, my pieces don't have the same depth or feeling. Yet when I'm painting so large I feel like I'm wasting paint and precious art supplies if I don't start with a plan.

By stepping back, I've learned that I just don't have fun with painting unless it's spontaneous and free-ing. My favorite part of the process is when the painting reveals a story to me.

So especially when painting big, I've had to learn to let go and follow my instincts.

This bunny went through a lot of different layers. 

It was always meant to be a rabbit, yet I tried to push it into new directions, which never, ever works for me. For a while, I tried very hard to turn it into a lion.

Then once I accepted it as a rabbit, I started having fun with my painting process again.

I stopped pushing and trying to control everything. I forgot all about wasting paint and just played.

Then it wasn't until I closed its eyes that everything really fell into place.

CREATIVE DREAMING. Contact me to purchase the original.

For this piece I pretty much used every single art supply I have (except glitter, which is kind of surprising. although glitter with rainbows and stars feels a bit too much to me... right now).

I layered lots of acrylic paints, tissue papers, vintage wallpaper, pastels, spray paints, pencil, inks, water soluble oil pastels and shiva oil paint sticks. Then on top I sprayed a varnish to keep everything in place, followed by a layer of vintage-hued decoupage and wax.

I call this painting CREATIVE DREAMING... a little homage to the process in which I remembered to set my intentions and pay attention to my instincts and everything around me to bring my dreams to life.


ps. a HUGE thank you to everyone for all of your kind words, enthusiasm and support for my new course SERENDIPITY - A Year In Mixed Media

I am so excited for this class! We have such an incredible group already!

If you'd like to join us for the year, find details here. Class starts September 16, 2013.



  1. I love how you paint in your spontaneous way and this big one is as magical as your smaller ones! The process won after all hooray! xx

  2. Hello there! My name is Erin and I was pretty excited to see your work featured in the hallway at American Girl a few weeks ago...it's always wonderful to see an artist I recognize!

    As a fellow mixed media artist [who's nowhere NEAR the level of technique you are...your work is really gorgeous!] I have a question for you- what type of spray varnish do you use to seal your pieces? I use Krylon Matte Finish, which I think I like the most out of the ones I have tried, but I'm always curious about what others are using when I see that they spray their work too.

    Okay, all for now! I love all the layers that went into this big one. :)

    1. Hi Erin, Lovely to meet you! I also adore the Krylon Matte Finish spray... it's my favorite as it protects from uv rays and stops things from yellowing over time. I also apply a decoupage (vintage mod podge) and then a wax (dorlands wax medium) to give each piece warmth and a real matte finish. Best wishes! xo

  3. I have never heard of vintage modge podge. May I ask what it is?

    1. It's mod podge with a warm hue. Mod Podge makes it and it's called antique. Or I make my own by adding a bit of acrylic paint (golden's transparent yellow oxide) to regular matte mod podge. it's usually less expensive that way.



Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette