
7 Things That Make Me Happy

Slow mornings with coffee and brioche,

the first bell pepper in the garden,

afternoons reading by the pool,

paintings in-progress,

purple and green,

hopscotch 8s made into aliens,

and time at the lake.

What have you been enjoying lately?


ps. i'm so excited that my HOW TO PAINT A GIRL online painting class will soon be available as a self-paced, instant-access course! my HOW TO PAINT AN OWL class is already available on-demand... find all of the details, get notified of updates & register here.


  1. I'm very curious about why you're so attracted to the long nose?

    1. Curious about that as well however one of the unique qualities that draw me to her work..being Native American I think I sometimes associate it with my heritage?

    2. the long nose it weird...it's just something that's fitting with me right now. for some of the paintings, it comes across as very native american. so much so, that i found myself saying i don't want to paint any more native american men, yet of course saying that and resisting led me to very contrived and uninteresting paintings. so now, i'm just going with what works and i'm loving that nose :) in a few new pieces it's really adding to the characters being completely full of imagination and of their own world :)

    3. Well I love your long noses and I think that they are very signature and also yes, I am a large part Native American and I can tell you that your color palette...shapes and some features for me resonate and take on a bit deeper meaning for me than just playful whimsy like some other artists work appeal to me because of it. I love your work and love your signature traits...I feel so many artist lack their own signature trait, including myself because I do have so many various interest its hard to stay in one place with one medium for long... that when you see it in a store in a book or from afar you say "oh wow look its Kelly Rea Roberts, its Mindy! Or its Juliette!!!" :) THAT...speaks in volumes!xo

    4. I see.
      I had no idea the long nose has some qualities of Native American. Thanks for the knowledge.

  2. Juliette..it is so funny your post always make me one of three things. HUNGRY. INSPIRED. Or wanting to shop for new art supplies!!! Hahahaaa...Love you Dear! :) <3


Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette

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