
keeping it simple & a new mixed media painting!

KEEP IT SIMPLE. 11 x 14 inches. Canvas Board. Original available here ($145).
Prints available in my etsy shop

when spring turns into summer here in wisconsin, i get this big burst of energy and can't wait to march on ahead. yet i know, to take a step back and journal, journal, journal on just where it is i wish to move on to, before i march ahead. otherwise i end up saying yes to things and don't make time for what really matters most.

while i've known since the start of this year just what BIG projects i'm focused on, i realized if i don't actively make time for them, they just might not happen. so i've made many lists these last few days, documenting and brainstorming...and i know i need to make more room for the 3 BIG projects i'm most excited about...  
  1. my nonfiction book (documenting my creative journey this year) 
  2. a series of picture books (featuring my artwork and their stories) 
  3. and a new online painting class (how to create whimsical animals)!

all with the intention of keeping things simple, inspired, happy and very creative! 

so of course this new painting that i created during mindy lacefield's paint your story e-course reflects all of those things...and a little reminder to stay focused and keep things simple!

she started out full of color and emotion. and then she became a queen. i so wanted to give her more things in the background...but i really liked the way she resembled a mermaid in the sea.

KEEP IT SIMPLE. 11 x 14 inches. Canvas Board. Original available here ($145).
Prints available in my etsy shop

then when i added my top coat, i really adored the way the bleeding art tissue just popped with color, grounding the painting. and so i let this character be..

From a far away land, this queen appears, to sit with you and listen. After many minutes, lifetimes and eternities, she begins to fade. But just before, she whispers in your ear... a reminder to always KEEP IT SIMPLE.


ps. if you're interested in painting whimsical pieces of your own, there's still time to register for my online painting workshop HOW TO PAINT A GIRL

there's also a session of HOW TO PAINT AN OWL coming up in July! 

and both classes will be available as self-paced, instant-access classed this summer! sign up for my newsletter for details!


  1. This piece is wonderful, Juliette! I too am taking Mindys' class and have thoroughly enjoyed it. I am saving up to take your owl class in July.

    1. you're so sweet! thank you! i'd love to paint owls together too!

  2. I love your Mermaid! I just did a mermaid painting too. It's amazing how different everyone's work is from Paint Your Story. Can't wait for you Animals ecourse!

    1. it's funny too when characters like mermaid all of the sudden appear in a painting...i love the creative process! can't wait to paint whimsical animals together too! xoxo

  3. I love her! And I love reading about your process and keeping it simple. I have been feeling so excited lately about art, I too, need this reminder to keep it simple and focus on the important things. Thank you.♥

  4. Your queen is so calm and reflective, I think she would listen to me and nod and hold my hand. And it's good to be reminded to keep it simple.


Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette

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