
A NEW Painting: Between You And I

BETWEEN YOU & I. Original 10x10" on Canvas. Contact me to purchase.
Prints available in my etsy shop

If ever I leave a painting for more than a few days, I have to cover most of it up.

It's too hard to get back into the emotion and intention of where I left it. But, to me, all of those underneath layers become part of the painting's story.

And painting this piece reminded me to keep trying and let out the story that is unique to me.

And this lion and bear had quite a history... with so many false starts and lots and lots of new layers and covering up. I just couldn't find a character in the canvas that I could relate to.

While I adored the posture of this lion, I knew his face just wasn't quite right.

Still, I thought about giving up and moving on to the next painting. But I longed to pull my heart out of all of the layers and paint.

BETWEEN YOU & I. Original 10x10" on Canvas. Contact me to purchase.
Prints available in my etsy shop

With a bold move, I separated the lion into two characters.

From there the painting fell into place and finally got its story...

BETWEEN YOU AND I... These two are walking away from what they thought was a rainbow. As they walk away, the rainbow begins to glow again and they are unsure whether or not to turn back. The lion is sweet and trusts the rainbow, but the bear is a bit disgruntled and pessimistic, believing it's not worth it and that they should move on. 



  1. Love the story, love the painting! Liking the "pairings" your doing lately. I hope to someday see your art work in person, I am sure the pictures do not do them justice with all that luscious layering!

  2. Loved all of it-and thanks for sharing--many times I keep thinking there is something in the canvas but I'm not usually patient enough to Paint it out!!! :) Your work is beautiful!!


Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette

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