
With Soft Words, The World Grows

With Soft Words, The World Grows. 11x14" on canvas panel. Available Here.
Prints available in my etsy shop.

"If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." -Vincent Van Gogh


I am in love with Magaly Ohika's whimsical artwork.

I'd been especially inspired by Magaly's girl painting Color Me Rouge of Love. I adored the girl's posture, ballskirt and awkward arms. So I used them as a beginning inspiration for this new painting.

As the character evolved, I needed to cut out more and more of the background to allow the focus to remain on my girl's face.  

That meant cutting out parts of her ballskirt too. 

Yet I left bits of her arms and loved the way she came together and evolved from my original inspirations.

With Soft Words, The World Grows. 11x14" on canvas panel. Available Here.
Prints available in my etsy shop.

I also added the two symbols I just can't get enough of these days... dream catchers and rainbows. 

And from there, with lots of bold moves, this girl fell into place and got her story.

Sprinkling seeds or sunshine and rainbows, she whispers her dreams to the flowers, knowing that WITH SOFT WORDS, THE WORLD GROWS.


ps. Access the classroom until June 2014.


  1. Juliette~

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful creations. Your artwork speaks to my heart in a way that I can not put into words. Thank you!


  2. I enjoy seeing how this progressed and love the final piece, and she has blonde hair! Her expression draws me in, she is beautiful!


Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette

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