
A Stolen Painting Sparks Inspiration

i always try to look at the positive side of things, but when my painting SHE STANDS OUT was stolen from the ARTspace gallery a few weeks ago, it took a bit for me to come around and see the good in it all. 

i remembered the super sweet girl who just couldn't take her eyes off of that painting at my art show back in January. she stared at that owl with her eyes inches from the canvas. and i wonder where that painting is now and hope that whoever has it appreciates it just as much as that girl once did.

 for me, showing my art in public spaces is a way to connect with people in their every day. so it was a very hard decision to take down the show from ARTspace last week. 

but i knew, in closing one door, a new door would open. 

i've learned the importance of taking the time to ask questions and know the details involved in protecting my art whenever i show my work. and most importantly, i've learned to really value myself and my art. 

and remember how i mentioned that in closing doors, new ones can open? well, once i decided to take down that show, all of these new ideas started bubbling for new projects that i am thrilled to put my full heart into!

she stands out even sparked a conversation between my UK agent fiona pattison and Go Inpsire Go founder toan lam. that conversation then led to a skype chat between me and toan last week. and let me just say, that toan is doing some amazing things that i'm so excited to be involved with! Go Inspire Go (GIG) is all about discovering and using your power to help others...definitely check out GIG if you're looking for some inspiration.

it's really been all about celebrating the little things. and as i realized in my chat with toan, each experience in my life has been a dot that connects to the next. without one, the next might not be able to fall into place. and i'm really excited to see just where this dot leads me to next.


  1. Hi Juliette, i'm sorry your painting was stolen - bad karma for whoever took it and good karma for you for being so positive about it!
    Looking forward to seeing all your new ideas!
    Best wishes,
    Felicia - Scrapzville.

  2. Oy. That's a hard pill to swallow. A stolen piece? Not nice at all. Must be a major fan. I certainly praise you for your positive attitude. Heading to your link now.

  3. Your owls are as endangered as the rest of the owls around the world...I love the movie Guardians of Go'laand?(sorry if my reference is slightly off) and immediately thought of you. The special features had an excellent story of the owls worldwide.
    Your art is rivieting, as the subject. I am sad
    that one of your owls is lost. :(

  4. i haven't seen that film...i'll have to look into it.

    i do see it as the person was my biggest fan :) i'm just so curious as to where that owl's story has gone to next...thank you so much for your kindness and best wishes :)

    xo, juliette

  5. How sad :( I can only assume the little owl was wanted somewhere very badly! How strange, to steal an art piece...

    Your outlook on things is so inspiring! Good luck in your new projects <3!

  6. I'm sorry about your painting, Juliette. I know that would be difficult. Thanks for showing us how to see the positive in the difficult. I'm thankful that it's brought you new inspiration and ideas!
    My Blog

  7. BEAUTIFUL outlook and attitude!!!

    i am so sorry your painting was stolen ... and couldn't agree more on how one dot needs to connect to the next and the next and the next...........

    i am heading to check out GIG right now!!!

    happy week to you and yours

  8. I know just what you mean...it's so easy to focus on the negative, which is okay for a season, but really embracing the future is so much better. I can relate to the "new doors" thing. I am ending a show at Moonstruck Chocolate soon and I was sad but I know that new doors and inspiration will happen. Sorry about the theft and thanks for sharing!! xoxo

  9. Wow. I'm so sorry for the loss - it's intrusive and feels like you've been violated, besides losing the painting, right? Anyway, you're inspiring. Glad things are going well for you.

  10. I'm so sorry to hear about the theft! It is very disheartening! I'm going to check out GIG!

    BY LEAVING US WITH "positive"!
    YOU are the BEST!!!

  12. I'm sorry to hear of your art being stolen... but I'm really inspired by how you are reacting and learning from the experience. How wonderful and strong... sounds like amazing things are happening, so it is amazing how life moves on...karma!

  13. This must of been upsetting for you. Glad your looking at it in a positive way.
    Hope this doesn't happen any more though! :)

  14. She certainly does stand out! The eyes on this particular owl are very compelling. I can understand someone staring at it for an extended period of time. Maybe the infatuated girl was your culprit. I have had art stolen before and I always think that if they took such a chance that it must be very personal and important to them. Your attitude is wonderful and strange events do spark new directions.

  15. Thanks for sharing Juliette! I'm working on the GIG blog about our chat as we speak! Perhaps the owl flew away to make a statement and teach us life lessons-- oh and also to spark new ideas and friendships. You are classy to boot and a true artist who "uses her power to help others." How can anyone not be happy after experiencing your artwork! Go Juliette Go... Sending love from San Francisco, Toan -- Founder of GoInspireGo.com

  16. I'm so sorry someone took your painting! :( This really is a beautiful piece.

  17. it is sad when something is taken from us. i feel sad for the person who took it cause they must have really loved it to want to steal it, yet they won't enjoy it because every time they see her they will know what they have done. In letting her go, the new energy has replace the yucky feelings with hopeful ones. i celebrate you, standing alone, in the midst of us all, being brave, waiting for the dots.

  18. So sad that he was stolen. I loved that little guy! You have such a positive outlook; if it were me I would be so in tears and unable to post something as great as you just did. Very encouraging!

  19. I'm sure the naughty person who stole the painting enjoys it as much as the girl in the gallery. I once spoke to a very well known artist (A Royal Academician) who had just had a couple of paintings stolen and she said she felt it was a huge compliment to her! :o)
    Jess xx

  20. I love the white owl, how beautiful she is!! The photos are outstanding with amazing colors! i love fall! So glad to be back in NY and enjoy this season:)

  21. Sad story, I do not like things getting stolen. I understand how you must feel inside. On the other hand...you are right there with the big names then, when it was wanted so badly to commit a crime to have it....it happens even in musea around the world ! Yes, let's hope the thief enjoys it as much as that little girl.

  22. Juliette thats awful someone felt they had to steal your art - what they don't realize is that every piece of art we create has a little piece of us within and they're stealing that too. Not nice - such an especially sweet owl too this one. I believe in karma though.


Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette

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