
things that make me smile

Pink peonies, 

the newest addition to our home...Brian's Grandfather's newly refurbished bass,

browsing record shops and finding lovely new albums,

fish ornaments in the neighbor's garden,

bright summer colors on my most recent paint palette,

long walks with skirts and sandals,

vegetables growing in my garden (basil, tomato, mint and lettuce),

flowers like stars,

and brilliant orange calla lilies! 


  1. smiling with you. from dreary, grey, wintery down under.

  2. your owls make me smile! blest be :)

  3. Oh I love those callas! We just had our first rain in months- I'm hoping to see a few more flowers make their way out before we burn up again!

  4. Cute little list of happy things....thank you :)

  5. Such lovely things! Skirts? I've forgotten what it's like to wear them what with all this cold weather here. Let's hope summer will make a return!xx

  6. They made me smile too! Thanks!


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