
all about color!

we had so much fun coloring easter eggs out on the patio this year!

at first i filled up lots of little containers with the normal vinegar, water and color set up.

but we started to get a bit antsy waiting for our eggs to color up. so we added some vinegar to a bowl, swirled the egg around to coat it, and then swirled the egg around, dropping blue and yellow coloring right on top.

we loved the tie-dye effect and kept on repeating the process to create layers of color.

we tried dropping color straight onto the eggs to add another layer. 

and for some i drew with crayon...

but that never lasted long...we just kept going with the layers and dipping them, then tie-dying again!

it was so fun to watch them evolve...

just like a painting!


  1. Fun! Very colorful and fun eggs.

  2. Those are absolutley beautiful Juliette!

  3. those may be the best color dipped eggs i've ever seen. very pretty!

  4. just beautiful!!!

    dig the tie dye!!!


  5. i love how these eggs
    have beautiful life
    birthed outside them!
    gorgeous, juliette! xo


Feel free to say hello and ask questions. I would be delighted to hear from you! xo -juliette

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